What will you learn?
Self-care has been a buzz word, but have you been able to find what works for you? This course will take a look into each school year quarter and provide a plethora of strategies that can be used both personally and professionally and with students to ensure that everyone is taking the time they need to take care of themselves. The course also allows for reflection and activities to explore where you are on your journey to self-care and building resiliency and what you can do to improve for yourself as well as the classroom environment. Finding a balance as an educator is essential to being the best teacher and version of yourself!
Target Audience: All Educators
Act 48 Hours Available: 3
(Must submit action plan to receive credit)
Pricing: Free for BCIU member districts
$25 for non-members
Self-Care Toolkit
Participants will be able to build a toolkit with strategies for both personal and classroom usage with a social-emotional mindset.
Examine Your Practices
Participants will be reflective and will take a look at their current practices both personally and professionally and make changes that fit their lifestyle and classroom norms.
Find a Balance
Participants will apply the strategies learned throughout the course to have a better balance and make self-care a priority for themselves and their students.
A Look Inside
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