What will you learn?
You may be wondering, “How will a structured literacy course help me enhance my instruction?” Every student uses some combination of reading, writing, speaking, and listening (i.e.. literacy) to interact with your content, with you, and with their peers. This course will apply structured literacy to content area teaching and learning to increase your awareness of challenges that may impact students’ progress in your content and give you simple strategies you can embed to support students. This course will focus primarily on advance word study skills. Please see the other courses under the Structured Literacy for Content Area Teachers title for specific content on comprehension/vocabulary or writing to learn.
This course satisfies the PA Department of Education Chapter 49 requirement for professional development and applied practices in structured literacy.
Target Audience: Educators whose focus area is content, but who hold instructional certificates in early childhood, elementary-middle level, special education-PK-12, English as a second language, or reading specialists.
Act 48 Hours Available: 1
Pricing: Free for BCIU member districts
$10 for non-members
Definition of Terms
What is meant by decoding, encoding, and morphology?
Recognizing Gaps
How will I recognize if gaps in students’ advanced word study skills are impacting students’ success in my content?
Content to Support Students
What can I do to support these students within my content?
A Look Inside
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