What will you learn?
This course will review the importance of collaboration, the essential elements of a strong co-teaching framework, types of co-teaching models, and the impact collaboration and co-teaching has on supporting our diverse learners. Strategies to support both special education students and multilingual learners are included.
Target Audience: K-12 Educators and Administrators
Act 48 Hours Available: 3
Pricing: Free for BCIU member districts
$25 for non-members
The Power of Collaboration
Learn the importance of collaboration, its influence on teaching, and its impact on student learning outcomes.
Co-teaching 101
Identify the essential elements of a strong co-teaching framework: what co-teaching is, and is not. Learn about different types of co-teaching models.
Benefits to Learners
Describe ways collaboration and co-teaching can benefit our diverse learners.
A Look Inside
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